Please email [email protected] to volunteer
Show information will be sent out via email prior to the competition.
Please Mail Entries to:
Show Secretary, 3616 Maysville Road
Huntsville, AL 35811
Please double check the fine print to ensure you have included all the necessary paperwork with your entry!
June Show: Flint Ridge Farm Dressage, Combined Training and Jumper Show
July 15th, 2023
Closing date (in‐hand), July 10th, 2023
Judge Lori Hoos “R”
Please Mail Entries to: Show Secretary, 3616 Maysville Road, Huntsville, AL 35811 or email to [email protected].
- One Entry per Horse/Rider combination.
- Entries, Coggins, and payment must be in-hand by the closing date or will incur a late fee and not be guaranteed entry.
- Management may refuse an entry for any reason and reserves the right to make any changes necessary to ensure the efficient and safe running of the show.
- All riders must wear ASTM/SEI approved helmets while mounted.
- NO Dogs Allowed. Very limited day stalls available.