2023 Cure Shirt

Please email FRFShowSecretary@gmail.com to volunteer
Show information will be sent out via email prior to the competition.

Please Mail Entries to:
Show Secretary, 3616 Maysville Road
Huntsville, AL 35811

Please double check the fine print to ensure you have included all the necessary paperwork with your entry!

Annual Halloween Show

July 15th, 2023
Closing date (in‐hand), July 10th, 2023

Judge Lori Hoos “R”

Please Mail Entries to: Show Secretary, 3616 Maysville Road, Huntsville, AL 35811 or email to FRFShowSecretary@gmail.com.

  • One Entry per Horse/Rider combination.
  • Entries, Coggins, and payment must be in-hand by the closing date or will incur a late fee and not be guaranteed  entry.
  • Management may refuse an entry for any reason and reserves the right to make any changes necessary to ensure the efficient and safe running of the show.
  • All riders must wear ASTM/SEI approved helmets while mounted.
  • NO Dogs Allowed. Very limited day stalls available.

Offered Classes

Dressage Only

(AA/O $25, JR/YR $20)
+$20 for Ride‐A‐Test

Intro Tests A, B & C
Training Level Tests 1, 2 & 3
First Level Tests 1, 2 & 3
Second Level Tests 1, 2 & 3
Third Level Test of Choice
Fourth Level Test of Choice
USEA Horse Trial Test of Choice
Western Dressage Test of Choice
FEI Test of Choice

Combined Training

(AA/O $50, JR/YR $45)
+$20 for Ride‐A‐Test

Amoeba (USDF Intro B, 18”)
Tadpole (USDF Intro C, 2’)
Starter (USEA Starter, 2’3”)
Beginner Novice (USEA BN Test A, 2’7”)
Novice (USEA Novice Test A, 2’11”)
Training (USEA Training Test A, 3’3”)
Preliminary (USEA Prelim Test A, 3’7”)

Jumper Classes

(AA/O $20, JR/YR $15)
+$10 for Schooling Round*
*if competing in a CT or Jumper

Puddle Jumpers (18”)
Schooling Jumpers (2’)
Green Jumpers (2’3”)
Hopeful Jumpers (2’7”)
Working Jumpers (2’11”)
Open Jumpers (3’3”)
Mini Prix Jumpers (3’7)

TOC Classes please specify the test and classes to be ridden on the Entry Form. Entry checks payable to Flint Ridge Farm, PayPal (alfaista@hotmail.com) and
Venmo (@Heidi-Rose-12) accepted for $5 service fee.

Please inform any friends and family that may come to watch that bringing a dog will result in a $100 fine payable to Flint Ridge Farm